(+) The
left hand page of a book is called a 'verso'. ( hmm.. i wonder
what the right hand side is called ! ) |
(+) Oneiromancy
is the art of foretelling from dreams ( ' oneiros '
meaning dreams in Greek ). |
"Alexander the great", while leading his army
would always wear something so the enemy troops could
recognize him from long distances. His brightly shining
armor would glisten in the sun and he wore two large
white plumes in his hat to distinguish him from the other
soldiers. While not in battle, the Macedonian actually
wore Persian clothing, at least during his late twenties
and early thirties. His silk Persian clothing consisted
of a long robe, cape, sash and headband in the royal
purple and white colors. ( talk about being fashionable at
the wrong time!!) |
Archimedes ( Greek Mathematician and scientist ) was
slain by a Roman soldier, while lost in thought over a
mathematical problem. |
(+) The
hardest substance on earth is a diamond. ( Frankly speaking,
Who didn't know that? ) Corundum, in the form of ruby,
sapphire or emery is the second hardest. (aah!) |
(+) What
is a group of babboons called? (..yeah! i'm
talking to you, just kidding !! )
A troop... |
Ailurophobia is the morbid fear of cats !! |